Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Share your story here as well

I've had 4 or 5 emails from people in Canada and the USA, in the past month or so; that have found this blog, and they've emailed me directly with their nightmare of a story with their GM vehicle. In some cases it was poor manufacturing quality and even worse support from dealers, and in one other case it was an actual stolen GM vehicle that a GM dealer got stuck with, who then sold it to a customer who also thought he was buying a legitament vehicle. Once the customer discovered that the vehicle was stolen, of course he was looking for some compensation from the dealer, which never happened.

Anyways, the point is that I invite you to add your story here, especially if you are from Canada and have experienced problems with GM or their products on the Canadian side of the border. If you took the time to find this blog, then you most likely have a very good story to tell which others need to see, that involves GM in Canada. Here's the place to sound off & put it on the record.

Maybe someday, some GM senior manager or executive will find this blog, read these stories, and actually say...."hey...these people have a point....we did drop the ball in these cases".